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5G Connectivity

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NB 新世代智能連接基金

5G 市場概况及投資組合布局
隨著4G在未來十年將會被5G網絡取替,大家將讚嘆5G網絡如何徹底改變我們的日常生活。 由自動車到智能雪櫃、遙距手術到智能工廠,以至數以百計乎想像的應用程式。我們認為到2030年時,全球的運作都會以5G為中心。在以下影片中, 路博邁亞洲研究總監 Yan Taw Boon (YT) 會為大家分析5G帶來的各種機遇,以及各種投資重點。
全球晶片短缺是否會影響5g的進展 ?


5G 中有哪些被忽視的投資機會?
我們生活的每個面向都近乎受5G 的來臨影響,我們相信要了解這個主題的真正廣度,不應只局限於認識半導體及電訊業。
我們認為在生活的每個面向和每個行業都會出現5G 的“殺手級應用”,因此需要具備可涵蓋所有產業研究能力的團隊來投資這一主題。
5G 是否有助於建立更具永續性的未來?
5G 帶來的更快速度、更多連接和更低延遲將使得許多科技技術在實現永續發展目標方面發揮關鍵作用
中美緊張局勢對 5G 有何影響?
各國都在爭奪 5G 的領導地位, 我們相信 5G 的發展只會加快不會變慢
無論是 5G 還是之後的 6G,我們的核心投資主題都是相同的— 也就是聚焦下一代網路帶來的投資機會。藉由發掘在這個趨勢下,各產業和價值鏈中的推動者和受惠者,使我們的投資受益。
5G vs 4G
5G 對比 4G: 為何投資者需要關注?
5G 贏家
哪一個國家將會在 5G 競賽中成為贏家?
現在投資 5G 是尚早或太遲?
投資 5G
5G 為何要考慮主動型投資?
爲何投資 5G ?
5G Why Now 1 
5G 顛覆市場傳統遊戲規則
5G 顛覆市場傳統遊戲規則
5G 是蜂巢式網路的第五代無線通訊技術,5G 創建的電訊網絡結合多種嶄新技術,相比目前的 4G 標準,不但速度快 100 倍,連接的裝置亦較 4G 多 100 倍。5G 將會促成物聯網、機械人、人工智能和自動車等網聯新浪潮。
5G Why Now 2 
5G 建設投資和應用擴展尚於初期階段
5G 建設投資和應用擴展尚於初期階段
3G 使流動通訊網絡在2000年得以實現,為Blackberry和Apple等品牌帶來新商機。4G 支援更快速度,使 Facebook、騰訊和Uber等公司能夠因為流動寬頻而得以發展。5G 涉及多樣化的網聯及物聯網 (IoT),將提供更廣泛且規模龐大的機遇。預計到2035年,該產業可達13.2萬億美元。*
5G Why Now 3 
多個國家和企業視 5G 為策略性資產
多個國家和企業視 5G 為策略性資產
由於5G 的網聯服務將顛覆由零售至教育,以致運輸至娛樂等廣泛的行業,預計在未來 10-15 年激發全球經濟活動,因此多個國家均視5G 為一項策略性資產,透過投資從而刺激經濟。不論是國家或企業均積極投入5G策略性投資,力求推陳出新和促進經濟增長。
5G Why Now 2 
5G 已是大勢所趨 需求增長迅速
5G 已是大勢所趨 需求增長迅速

Key Risks

Market Risk: The risk of a change in the value of a position as a result of underlying market factors, including among other things, the overall performance of companies and the market perception of the global economy.
Liquidity Risk: The risk that the portfolio may be unable to sell an investment readily at its fair market value. In extreme market conditions this can affect the portfolio’s ability to meet redemption requests upon demand.
Emerging Markets Risk: Emerging markets are likely to bear higher risk due to a possible lack of adequate financial, legal, social, political and economic structures, protection and stability as well as uncertain tax positions which may lead to lower liquidity. The NAV of the portfolio may experience medium to high volatility due to lower liquidity and the availability of reliable information, as well as due to the portfolio's investment policies or portfolio management techniques.
Stock Connect Risk: The Shanghai/Shengzen-Hong Kong Stock Connect are relatively new trading programmes, where many of the relevant regulations are untested and subject to change at any moment as well as not as active as exchanges in more developed markets which may affect the ability to sell your shares. Additional risks need to be considered and you should refer to the 'investment risk' section of the prospectus for details.
Smaller Companies Risk: In respect of Portfolios which may invest in small capitalisation companies, such investments involve greater risk than is customarily associated with larger, more established companies due to the greater business risks of small size, limited markets and financial resources, narrow product lines and a frequent lack of depth of management.
Counterparty Risk: The risk that a counterparty will not fulfill its payment obligation for a trade, contract or other transaction, on the due date.
Operational Risk: The risk of direct or indirect loss resulting from inadequate or failed processes, people and systems including those relating to the safekeeping of assets or from external events.
Currency Risk: Investors who subscribe in a currency other than the base currency of the portfolio are exposed to currency risk. Fluctuations in exchange rates may affect the return on investment. If the currency of investment is different from your local currency, then you should be aware that due to exchange rate fluctuations the performance shown may increase or decrease if converted into your local currency.