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Our Philosophy
Bond markets often fail to price in complexity and cross-currents. We believe a value-oriented approach based on process-led investing, a commitment to research and an integrated global approach can capitalize on these market inefficiencies
Process-Led Investing

Our process combines macro inputs, relative value analysis and fundamental research to drive informed decision-making and consistent investment performance

Commitment to Research

Fundamental research that integrates financially material considerations allows for a differentiated understanding of potential value and, more importantly, the risk of loss

Integrated Global Platform

Continuous collaboration is at the center of our effort as it allows for the best of investment insights globally to be reflected in portfolios

Our Platform
of assets under management1 across an integrated global platform comprised of
200 investment professionals, including 80 research analysts
Fixed Income Portfolio Management Centers
40+ Years of Managing Fixed Income Assets
Fixed Income Map Fixed Income Map
Stewardship and Sustainable Investing
Financially material environmental, social and governance factors are an important driver of long-term investment returns from both an opportunity and a risk-mitigation perspective

Our public fixed income strategies evaluate financially material factors in the fundamental credit research process

Proprietary Views

2,700+ Systematically developed NB ESG Quotient™ ratings for credit issuers based on financially material factors2

Customized Solutions

Innovative implementation to address a range of sustainability-related goals, including net zero in multi-sector credit

Active Engagement3
We believe close engagement with management on financially material environmental, social and governance issues is an integral part of managing risk in our role as direct providers of new capital
engagements with fixed income issuers

Globe Icon with Leaf on It 

on environmental issues

Balance Symbol 

on social issues

Hands holding globe  

on governance issues

2022 Global Corporate Credit ESG Engagement Report
2023 Global Corporate Credit Engagement Report

In recent years, a variety of market-disrupting events have underscored the importance of active ownership and the analysis of financially material environmental, social and governance factors in fundamental credit research and investment decision-making. In our view, asset managers who leverage their relationships with issuers are best positioned to manage these risks and take advantage of opportunities. As highlighted in our prior engagement reports, Neuberger Berman views direct issuer engagement as a critical tool to mitigate portfolio risks while generating long-term sustainable returns. Click below to learn more.


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