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Generate Income
Forward 3-Month USD Cash Rates Versus Bond Market Yields
MYMM Generate Income Chart 
Source: Refinitiv, Neuberger Berman. Data as of August 27, 2024.1
As Cash Rates Decline, Investors May Want to Lock in Higher Yields
High short-term yields have encouraged investors to hold onto cash rather than allocating to investments that could deliver income over the long term. In a changing rate environment, investors might consider locking in higher yields for longer.
Get Equity Market Exposure
Pulling Out in a Downturn May Mean Missing Much of the Recovery
In our view, high-quality equities may be a good option for investors who have been allocating to cash because they’re concerned about valuations or the economic cycle. As seen in the chart, stocks have historically outperformed cash over the long term.
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Rolling Average %, Months Stocks Outperform Cash
Rolling Average %, Months Stocks Outperform Cash 
Source: Bloomberg and Ibbotson. Data from January 1, 1960 to December 31, 2023. Stocks are represented by the S&P 500 TR Index (backfilled by Ibbotson prior to Feb 1970).
Diversify Portfolio Risks
Rolling Average %, Months Commodities Outperform Cash
Rolling Average Annualized Return %, Commodities Earn Over Cash 
Source: Bloomberg and Ibbotson. Data from January 1, 1960 to December 31, 2023. Commodities by the Bloomberg Commodity Index Total Return.
Investor Demand for Diversifiers Has Come Into Focus
As you move out of cash and add more risk to your portfolio, also consider alternative investments that can add diversification and could help reduce volatility. For example, over the last 50 years, Commodities have outperformed cash 60% of the time over any rolling 1-year period.
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