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2023 Stewardship & Sustainability Report

In this year’s Stewardship & Sustainability Report, we highlight our continued commitment to stewardship, financial materiality and partnership with clients.
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This year will be the 15th since Neuberger Berman reclaimed its independence and the 85th since it was founded in 1939. Over those years and decades, much has changed in the investing landscape and at our firm. And because Neuberger Berman tries to marry continuity and innovation, the history of the investment landscape and the history of our firm are closely entwined. This is as true for our approach to stewardship and sustainable investing as anything else. Yet our fundamental philosophy of active management, informed judgment and engagement has remained constant. Everything we do, we do in partnership with our clients. This report is intended to help you understand our stewardship and sustainability efforts.

This year, we highlight how we are…

  • Building on the culture that has kept us strong since 1939
  • Standing for active management through our engagement with companies and our advance proxy voting disclosure initiative NB Votes
  • Refining our ESG integration framework to distinguish between process-focused vs. outcome-focused investing
  • Partnering with clients to innovate and develop solutions of their choice across climate, impact and SDG engagement strategies

Jonathan Bailey Jonathan Bailey

“It is an honor to be entrusted with the precious capital of clients from around the world. Our clients have diverse portfolio objectives—from managing material financial risks to seeking specific environmental or social outcomes. For clients that are focused on sustainability outcomes, our heritage of fundamental research and bottom-up analysis enables us to evaluate the credibility of an issuer’s climate transition plan or the impact of its products and services. We are committed to offering clients the choice for how they wish their capital to be invested.”

Jonathan Bailey, Global Head of Stewardship & Sustainable Investing