Real estate continues to be an ever-evolving asset class, especially in today’s market. As the signs of inflation continue to appear globally as the economy ebbs out of recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, real estate sectors have needed to pivot accordingly. And real estate secondaries–a niche subset of the greater secondaries market–is no exception when pivoting against market disruption. However, as interest rates continue to rise as a result of said inflation, what could make this particular sector attractive to real estate investors? And what other opportunities might they want to consider in the space? On this episode of Disruptive Forces, Scott Koenig, Managing Director and Head of Real Estate Secondaries, sits down with Anu Rajakumar to explain how the real estate secondaries market currently operates within the greater secondaries universe, in addition to the real estate market at large, as well as what might lie ahead for real estate in the long run.